My Money Story
Hey, I’m Catherine,
As a country girl, I always saved my pennies. The eldest of four kids, I took on responsibility at a young age and have continued to embrace the role of ‘caretaker’ in many relationships throughout my life.
Starting my financial planning business was like jumping off a cliff
The unknown. Questioning myself. Wondering whether I could make it work.
I didn’t fear failure, I was more scared of success
Running a business is like being on a rollercoaster. It’s amazing, but it’s tough - so I reached out for help. Working with a life coach and kinesiologist helped me learn to feel my emotions. To not be afraid of them. To be vulnerable.
Spend your money on what you truly value
This concept intrigued me. I’m a lover of money because it gives me freedom and choices. And I’ve always worked hard.
“But I realised later in life, with the guidance of my dad and our financial planner, that it’s not about working harder and earning more. It’s what you do with it that counts.”
Money Talk is difficult!
Client conversations brought out their love/hate relationship with money. For both individuals and couples, this highlighted the day-to-day challenges of financial decision making and the impact of conflicting beliefs around money.
I wanted to give my clients more. To help them grow and better understand themselves.
So I trained to become a certified Money Coach
Through my studies, I experienced the ‘wow’ of Money Coaching first hand. It was life changing. Read more in my blog ‘My Money Story’

Financial Planning is a very important aspect of building a healthy financial life, but it doesn’t take into account the internal factors that influence our decisions.
As your Money Coach
I will guide you to transform your life
You will form a deeper understanding of yourself, break down the barriers and bring your subconscious to light.
I hold a safe space for you to work towards creating a trusting, loving and caring relationship with money.
One that will empower you and bring vibrance and joy to your life.