What would your Warrior Do?

Who doesn’t love the thrill of a purchase?

I know I do. And, now that we have so many different ways to purchase, we don’t have to wait. To save. To anticipate. To take the time to decide if we really, truly need the ‘thing’ we are buying.

As a society we have become so impatient, always looking for the next best thing. We thrive for the instant gratification we experience when we spend our money, whether through online shopping or physically going to the shops.

But how does this affect our bank balance? And our life?

We see more & more people with little savings, living pay check to pay check or even living beyond their means & trying to keep up with the Jones’. Studies suggest that approximately 25% of Australian’s have less than $1,000 in cash savings. This highlights the struggle to save. 

How we spend can become a vicious cycle & one that we often struggle to change. In saying that, we can change our patterns & behaviours around money, it’s just about knowing how & the willingness to put in the work. It’s the work that we often shy away from.

Working with a money coach helps you identify what behaviours & patterns are running your life. Once we understand these, it’s about building the framework to start creating the shifts on what’s not serving you.

My goal working with you is to engage your inner warrior & let them shine.


How Money Coaching has Empowered my Life